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Fairy Tales: Not Suitable for Children 

This immersive musical spectacle propels audiences back into the joyful and carefree days of childhood. While audiences watch their most beloved tales go to new extremes they can leave “happily ever after” at the door and say hello to uproarious musical numbers, confetti canons, fairies in drag, magic, out of this world circus tricks, often inappropriate humor, and some good old fashioned catharsis. 


We were overwhelmed by the audience response from our original production. We heard things like:


"This is what theater is! At least what it should be!"

"You guys are going to change the world."

"I have never had so much fun in a show. I forgot I was seeing a show and felt like I was a part of it."

"Fairytales is the only time I have ever cried in a theater and I loved it!"


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